
Maestro was dedicated to his friend and mentor, Professor Roger Mack. Roger was a faculty member for...


Sometime between 1990 and 1993 Nevin sculpted and cast 2 bronze Icarus sculptures. His parents ended...


Nevin cast Fire in bronze in 1992. This is one of the first creative incarnation of the four Element...


Water is another Element that has transformative power of healing and cleansing in many cultures. th...


Each figure represents what is believed to be an essential element for life… Earth, Air, Fire, and W...


Soleme is inspired by the various paintings of New Testament story depicting Salome, the daughter of...


In 1990 Nevin and a close friend biked through Europe. Nevin made it a point to send each of his fa...

La Notte

This is Nevin’s interpretation of Michelangelo’s La Notte, which is located in Florence, San Lorenzo...


Iceland was cast by Nevin somewhere between 1994 and 1995. He visited Reykjavík Iceland and fell in ...


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” - Oscar Wilde Ne...


Malebolge is a large, funnel-shaped cavern, divided into ten concentric circular trenches or ditches...

The Three Sins

Nevin created this sculpture in 2018. Again, he explored Dante Inferno, and explored the three sins;...

Jesus Christ and The Crown of Thorns


This is a two ton sculpture made from medical grade surgical steel and colored concrete. Nevin work...

Triton Wheel

Nevin cast multiple triton wheels, one of which is on display in Syracuse, NY. The wheels are were ...

The Past, Future, and Present

This work depicts three figures, representing the past, future, and present respectively. It is one...

Post Modern Stress Disorder

This was a physically demanding piece in that each of the twisted elements were heated, hammered, t...

Rose and Thorn

The rose and thorn series was presented at Lockhaven University, Pennsylvania. Each piece of artwork...